Packages supported by TinyGo

The following table shows all Go standard library packages and whether they can be imported by TinyGo. If they can’t, you can click the ’no’ link to jump to the explanation why the package cannot be compiled.

Note that the fact they can be imported, does not mean that all functions and types in the program can be used. For example, sometimes using some functions or types of the package will still trigger compiler errors.

Test results are for linux/amd64.

Package Importable Passes tests
archive/tar yes no
archive/zip yes yes
bufio yes no
bytes yes no
cmp yes yes
compress/bzip2 yes yes
compress/flate yes yes
compress/gzip yes no
compress/lzw yes yes
compress/zlib yes yes
container/heap yes yes
container/list yes yes
container/ring yes yes
context yes yes
crypto yes no
crypto/aes yes yes
crypto/cipher yes no
crypto/des yes yes
crypto/dsa yes yes
crypto/ecdh yes no
crypto/ecdsa yes yes
crypto/ed25519 yes no
crypto/elliptic yes yes
crypto/hmac yes yes
crypto/md5 yes yes
crypto/rand yes yes
crypto/rc4 yes yes
crypto/rsa yes no
crypto/sha1 yes yes
crypto/sha256 yes yes
crypto/sha512 yes yes
crypto/subtle yes no
crypto/tls yes yes
crypto/x509 yes no
crypto/x509/pkix yes yes
database/sql yes no
database/sql/driver yes yes
debug/buildinfo no no
debug/dwarf yes yes
debug/elf yes no
debug/gosym yes no
debug/macho yes yes
debug/pe yes no
debug/plan9obj yes yes
embed yes yes
encoding yes yes
encoding/ascii85 yes yes
encoding/asn1 yes yes
encoding/base32 yes yes
encoding/base64 yes yes
encoding/binary yes no
encoding/csv yes yes
encoding/gob yes no
encoding/hex yes yes
encoding/json yes no
encoding/pem yes no
encoding/xml yes no
errors yes no
expvar no no
flag yes no
fmt yes no
go/ast yes yes
go/build yes no
go/build/constraint yes yes
go/constant yes no
go/doc yes no
go/doc/comment yes no
go/format yes yes
go/importer yes no
go/parser yes no
go/printer yes yes
go/scanner yes yes
go/token yes no
go/types yes no
go/version yes yes
hash yes yes
hash/adler32 yes yes
hash/crc32 yes no
hash/crc64 yes yes
hash/fnv yes yes
hash/maphash yes no
html yes yes
html/template yes no
image yes yes
image/color yes no
image/color/palette yes yes
image/draw yes no
image/gif yes yes
image/jpeg yes no
image/png yes no
index/suffixarray yes yes
io yes no
io/fs yes no
io/ioutil yes yes
iter yes no
log yes no
log/slog yes no
log/syslog yes no
maps yes yes
math yes yes
math/big yes no
math/bits yes no
math/cmplx yes yes
math/rand yes no
math/rand/v2 yes no
mime yes yes
mime/multipart yes yes
mime/quotedprintable yes yes
net yes yes
net/http no no
net/http/cgi no no
net/http/cookiejar no no
net/http/fcgi no no
net/http/httptest no no
net/http/httptrace no no
net/http/httputil no no
net/http/pprof no no
net/mail yes yes
net/netip yes no
net/rpc no no
net/rpc/jsonrpc no no
net/smtp no no
net/textproto yes yes
net/url yes no
os yes yes
os/exec yes no
os/signal yes no
os/user yes yes
path yes yes
path/filepath yes no
plugin no no
reflect yes yes
regexp yes no
regexp/syntax yes yes
slices yes no
sort yes no
strconv yes yes
strings yes no
structs yes yes
sync yes yes
sync/atomic yes no
syscall yes no
testing yes yes
testing/fstest yes no
testing/iotest yes yes
testing/quick yes no
testing/slogtest yes no
text/scanner yes yes
text/tabwriter yes yes
text/template yes no
text/template/parse yes yes
time yes no
time/tzdata no no
unicode yes yes
unicode/utf16 yes yes
unicode/utf8 yes yes
unique yes yes
unsafe yes yes


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at <Go interface method>]
panic: runtime error at 0x000000000026eb43: nil pointer dereference
FAIL	archive/tar	0.169s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

--- FAIL: TestReadStringAllocs (0.00s)
    Unexpected number of allocations, got 0.000000, want 1
FAIL	bufio	0.084s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at /home/ron/Development/tinygo/tinygo-122/src/internal/bytealg/bytealg.go:304:13]
panic: runtime error at 0x000000000022bb32: out of memory
FAIL	bytes	5.594s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL		0.000s
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/compress/gzip/example_test.go:14:2: package net/http/httptest is not in std (/home/ron/.cache/tinygo/goroot-59c0c8df7700d2980b426f170e6754c2d2901b0680adb52840eeef4402e8c177/src/net/http/httptest)


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: runtime error at 0x000000000028e227: index out of range
FAIL	crypto	0.004s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

--- FAIL: TestGCMAsm (0.33s)
    no assembly implementation of GCM
    SkipNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
FAIL	crypto/cipher	0.334s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

--- FAIL: TestLinker (0.00s)
    skipping test: 'go build' unavailable: /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/bin/go tool -n compile: fork/exec /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/bin/go: operation not implemented
    SkipNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    skipping test: 'go build' unavailable: /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/bin/go tool -n compile: fork/exec /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/bin/go: operation not implemented
    SkipNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    platform cannot run go tool
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    [ build -o hello.exe hello.go]: exec: no command
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    [./hello.exe]: fork/exec ./hello.exe: operation not implemented
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    unexpected output: 
    [ tool nm hello.exe]: exec: no command
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    no P384 symbols found in program using ecdh.P384, test is broken
[...more lines following...]


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

--- FAIL: TestEd25519Vectors (0.00s)
    skipping test: 'go build' unavailable: /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/bin/go tool -n compile: fork/exec /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/bin/go: operation not implemented
    SkipNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    platform cannot run go tool
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    failed to run `go mod download -json`, output: 
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    unexpected end of JSON input
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    failed to read ed25519vectors.json: open ed25519vectors.json: file does not exist
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    unexpected end of JSON input
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
FAIL	crypto/ed25519	0.152s
[...more lines following...]


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: unimplemented: (reflect.Type).NumOut()
FAIL	crypto/rsa	0.037s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: unimplemented: (reflect.Type).NumIn()
FAIL	crypto/subtle	0.001s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	crypto/x509	0.000s
# crypto/x509_test
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/crypto/x509/hybrid_pool_test.go:63:17: c.ConnectionState undefined (type *net.TLSConn has no field or method ConnectionState)


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	database/sql	0.000s
# database/sql
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/database/sql/sql_test.go:4804:4: b.SetParallelism undefined (type *testing.B has no field or method SetParallelism)


The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:

# debug/buildinfo
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/debug/buildinfo/buildinfo.go:89:19: undefined: debug.ParseBuildInfo


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	debug/elf	0.000s
# debug/elf
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/debug/elf/file_test.go:1159:10: undefined: net.ResolveIPAddr


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/debug/elf/file.go]
panic: runtime error at 0x000000000025c02b: nil pointer dereference
FAIL	debug/gosym	0.004s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/debug/pe/file_test.go]
panic: runtime error at 0x0000000000275fa9: index out of range
FAIL	debug/pe	0.004s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/encoding/binary/binary.go:109:7]
panic: runtime error at 0x000000000024c031: index out of range
FAIL	encoding/binary	0.006s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: reflect: unimplemented: AssignableTo with interface
FAIL	encoding/gob	0.001s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL		0.000s
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/encoding/json/stream_test.go:14:2: package net/http/httptest is not in std (/home/ron/.cache/tinygo/goroot-59c0c8df7700d2980b426f170e6754c2d2901b0680adb52840eeef4402e8c177/src/net/http/httptest)


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: unimplemented: (reflect.Type).NumOut()
FAIL	encoding/pem	1.136s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	encoding/xml	0.022s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

--- FAIL: TestAs (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestAs/8:As(Errorf(...,_err),_0x78d6cd613c10) (0.00s)
        match: got true; want false
        FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
        got &errors.errorString{s:"err"}, want <nil>
        FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    --- FAIL: TestAs/10:As(Errorf(...,_path_error),_0x78d6cd613c10) (0.00s)
        got errors_test.wrapped{msg:"path error", err:(*fs.PathError)(0x78d6cd613c70)}, want &fs.PathError{Op:"open", Path:"non-existing", Err:(*errors.errorString)(0x253a08)}
        FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    --- FAIL: TestAs/16:As(Errorf(...,_multiError),_0x78d6cd613c10) (0.00s)
        got errors_test.multiErr{errors_test.wrapped{msg:"path error", err:(*fs.PathError)(0x78d6cd613c70)}}, want &fs.PathError{Op:"open", Path:"non-existing", Err:(*errors.errorString)(0x253a08)}
        FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
FAIL	errors	0.001s


This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

--- FAIL: TestExitCode (0.00s)
    unexpected exit code for test case {flag:-h flagHandle: expectExit:0} 
        : got -1, expect 0
    unexpected exit code for test case {flag:-help flagHandle: expectExit:0} 
        : got -1, expect 0
    unexpected exit code for test case {flag:-undefined flagHandle: expectExit:2} 
        : got -1, expect 2
    unexpected exit code for test case {flag:-h flagHandle:h expectExit:123} 
        : got -1, expect 123
    unexpected exit code for test case {flag:-help flagHandle:help expectExit:123} 
        : got -1, expect 123
--- FAIL: TestDefineAfterSet (0.00s)
        : expected panic("flag myFlag set at .*/flag_test.go:.* before being defined"), but got panic("flag myFlag set at ?:0 before being defined")
[...more lines following...]


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at /home/ron/Development/tinygo/tinygo-122/src/reflect/type.go:508:11]
panic: runtime error at 0x0000000000228f19: nil pointer dereference
FAIL	fmt	0.004s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

--- FAIL: TestDotSlashImport (0.01s)
    import ".": unknown compiler "tinygo"
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    import "./file": unknown compiler "tinygo"
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
--- FAIL: TestLocalDirectory (0.00s)
    import ".": unknown compiler "tinygo"
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    ImportPath=".", want "go/build"
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
--- FAIL: TestImportCmd (0.00s)
    go/build: go list cmd/internal/objfile: fork/exec /usr/local/go/bin/go: operation not implemented
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
[...more lines following...]


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/go/constant/value.go]
panic: runtime error at 0x0000000000254be1: divide by zero
FAIL	go/constant	0.004s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: unimplemented: (reflect.Type).NumOut()
FAIL	go/doc	0.001s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

--- FAIL: TestStd (0.00s)
    skipping test: 'go build' unavailable: /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/bin/go tool -n compile: fork/exec /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/bin/go: operation not implemented
    SkipNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    platform cannot run go tool
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    exec: no command
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    stdPkgs is out of date: regenerate with 'go generate'
        diff stdPkgs want
        --- stdPkgs
        +++ want
        @@ -1,39 +1,1 @@
[...more lines following...]


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at <Go interface method>]
panic: runtime error at 0x000000000032148c: nil pointer dereference
FAIL	go/importer	0.006s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	go/parser	0.075s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: reflect: unimplemented: AssignableTo with interface
FAIL	go/token	0.001s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	go/types	0.000s
# go/types_test
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/go/types/self_test.go:103:4: b.ReportMetric undefined (type *testing.B has no field or method ReportMetric)


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: not available
FAIL	hash/crc32	0.014s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at /home/ron/Development/tinygo/tinygo-122/src/runtime/slice.go:57:14]
panic: runtime error at 0x0000000000224cde: out of memory
FAIL	hash/maphash	24.756s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: unimplemented: (reflect.Type).NumOut()
FAIL	html/template	0.003s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: unimplemented: (reflect.Type).NumIn()
FAIL	image/color	0.001s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: unimplemented: (reflect.Type).NumIn()
FAIL	image/draw	0.040s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	image/jpeg	0.000s
# image/jpeg
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/image/jpeg/reader_test.go:253:9: undefined: debug.SetTraceback


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/image/png/reader.go:506:12]
panic: runtime error at 0x00000000002593c3: out of memory
FAIL	image/png	0.864s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

--- FAIL: TestMultiWriter_WriteStringSingleAlloc (0.00s)
    num allocations = 0; want 1
--- FAIL: TestMultiWriterSingleChainFlatten (0.00s)
    multiWriter did not flatten chained multiWriters: expected writeDepth 12, got 4
--- FAIL: TestMultiReaderFlatten (0.00s)
    multiReader did not flatten chained multiReaders: expected readDepth 3, got 1
--- FAIL: TestMultiReaderFreesExhaustedReaders (5.00s)
    timeout waiting for collection of buf1
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
FAIL	io	5.033s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	io/fs	0.004s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/iter/pull_test.go]
panic: runtime error at 0x0000000000242613: nil pointer dereference
FAIL	iter	0.005s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

--- FAIL: TestAll (0.00s)
    log output should match "^.*/[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+\\.go:(63|65): hello 23 world$" is "???:0: hello 23 world"
    log output should match "^.*/[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+\\.go:(63|65): hello 23 world$" is "???:0: hello 23 world"
    log output should match "^[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+\\.go:(63|65): hello 23 world$" is "???:0: hello 23 world"
    log output should match "^[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+\\.go:(63|65): hello 23 world$" is "???:0: hello 23 world"
    log output should match "^[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+\\.go:(63|65): hello 23 world$" is "???:0: hello 23 world"
    log output should match "^[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+\\.go:(63|65): hello 23 world$" is "???:0: hello 23 world"
    log output should match "^XXX[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] .*/[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+\\.go:(63|65): hello 23 world$" is "XXX2024/10/26 11:27:22.813528 ???:0: hello 23 world"
    log output should match "^XXX[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] .*/[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+\\.go:(63|65): hello 23 world$" is "XXX2024/10/26 11:27:22.813562 ???:0: hello 23 world"
    log output should match "^XXX[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] [A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+\\.go:(63|65): hello 23 world$" is "XXX2024/10/26 11:27:22.813600 ???:0: hello 23 world"
    log output should match "^XXX[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] [A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+\\.go:(63|65): hello 23 world$" is "XXX2024/10/26 11:27:22.813798 ???:0: hello 23 world"
    log output should match "^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] .*/[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+\\.go:(63|65): XXXhello 23 world$" is "2024/10/26 11:27:22.813838 ???:0: XXXhello 23 world"
    log output should match "^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] .*/[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+\\.go:(63|65): XXXhello 23 world$" is "2024/10/26 11:27:22.814041 ???:0: XXXhello 23 world"
    log output should match "^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] [A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+\\.go:(63|65): XXXhello 23 world$" is "2024/10/26 11:27:22.814243 ???:0: XXXhello 23 world"
    log output should match "^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] [A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+\\.go:(63|65): XXXhello 23 world$" is "2024/10/26 11:27:22.814269 ???:0: XXXhello 23 world"
[...more lines following...]


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: runtime.Caller failed
FAIL	log/slog	0.001s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	log/syslog	0.000s
# log/syslog
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/log/syslog/syslog_test.go:35:21: oe.Temporary undefined (type *net.OpError has no field or method Temporary)
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/log/syslog/syslog_test.go:110:15: undefined: net.ListenPacket


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	math/big	0.000s
# math/big
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/math/bits/bits.go:472:10: interp: running for more than 3m0s, timing out (executed calls: 30224089)
  %0 = and i64 %x, 4294967295, !dbg !30956

  %0 = and i64 %x, 4294967295, !dbg !30956
  %9 = call { i64, i64 } @"math/bits.Mul64"(i64 %x, i64 %y, ptr undef), !dbg !30964
  %0 = call { i64, i64 } @"math/bits.Mul"(i64 %x, i64 %y, ptr undef), !dbg !30951
  %13 = call { i64, i64 } @"math/big.mulAddWWW_g"(i64 %12, i64 %y, i64 %6, ptr undef), !dbg !30969
[...more lines following...]


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/math/bits/bits.go:510:21]
panic: runtime error at 0x000000000021de1a: divide by zero
FAIL	math/bits	0.002s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: unimplemented: (reflect.Type).Method()
FAIL	math/rand	1.918s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	math/rand/v2	0.000s
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/internal/chacha8rand/chacha8.go:66: linker could not find symbol internal/chacha8rand.block
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/internal/chacha8rand/chacha8.go:91: linker could not find symbol internal/chacha8rand.block
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/internal/chacha8rand/chacha8.go:153: linker could not find symbol internal/chacha8rand.block


This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:


This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:


This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:


This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:


This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:


The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:

../../../../../tmp/tinygo-test-340311014/main.go:2:8: package net/http/httptrace is not in std (/home/ron/.cache/tinygo/goroot-59c0c8df7700d2980b426f170e6754c2d2901b0680adb52840eeef4402e8c177/src/net/http/httptrace)


This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:


This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

--- FAIL: TestInlining (0.00s)
    skipping test: 'go build' unavailable: /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/bin/go tool -n compile: fork/exec /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/bin/go: operation not implemented
    SkipNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    skipping test: 'go build' unavailable: /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/bin/go tool -n compile: fork/exec /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/bin/go: operation not implemented
    SkipNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    platform cannot run go tool
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    go build: exec: no command, 
    FailNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    "(*uint128).halves" is no longer inlinable
    "Addr.BitLen" is no longer inlinable
    "Addr.hasZone" is no longer inlinable
    "Addr.Is4" is no longer inlinable
    "Addr.Is4In6" is no longer inlinable
    "Addr.Is6" is no longer inlinable
[...more lines following...]


This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:


This package cannot be imported because the following dependencies cannot be compiled:


The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:

# net/smtp
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/net/smtp/smtp.go:72:24: undefined: tls.Conn
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/net/smtp/smtp.go:172:25: undefined: tls.Conn


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: reflect: unimplemented: AssignableTo with interface
FAIL	net/url	0.001s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL		0.000s
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/os/exec/exec_test.go:23:2: package net/http/httptest is not in std (/home/ron/.cache/tinygo/goroot-59c0c8df7700d2980b426f170e6754c2d2901b0680adb52840eeef4402e8c177/src/net/http/httptest)


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	os/signal	0.000s
# internal/testpty
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/internal/testpty/pty_cgo.go:11:10: note: in file included from pty_cgo.go!cgo.c:4:
../../tinygo/tinygo-122/lib/musl/include/fcntl.h:22:10: fatal: 'bits/fcntl.h' file not found


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	path/filepath	0.002s


The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:

# plugin
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/plugin/plugin_dlopen.go:10:6: not implemented: build constraints in #cgo line


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	regexp	0.860s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/slices/slices.go]
panic: runtime error at 0x000000000027fdad: slice out of range
FAIL	slices	0.005s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

--- FAIL: TestCountStableOps (1.17s)
    Counting skipped as non-verbose mode.
    SkipNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
    Stable      100 elements:         934 Swap,        840 Less
    Stable      300 elements:        3965 Swap,       3007 Less
    Stable     1000 elements:       19722 Swap,      12157 Less
    Stable     3000 elements:       82381 Swap,      43169 Less
    Stable    10000 elements:      347890 Swap,     165488 Less
    Stable    30000 elements:     1340159 Swap,     559016 Less
    Stable   100000 elements:     5788412 Swap,    2086988 Less
    Stable   300000 elements:    20452076 Swap,    6864623 Less
    Stable  1000000 elements:    84469132 Swap,   25114223 Less
--- FAIL: TestCountSortOps (0.76s)
    Counting skipped as non-verbose mode.
    SkipNow is incomplete, requires runtime.Goexit()
[...more lines following...]


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at /home/ron/Development/tinygo/tinygo-122/src/internal/bytealg/bytealg.go:304:13]
panic: runtime error at 0x000000000022a7f3: out of memory
FAIL	strings	8.484s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at /home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/sync/atomic/doc.go:94:6]
panic: runtime error at 0x000000000025039d: caught signal SIGSEGV
FAIL	sync/atomic	0.906s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	syscall	0.000s
# syscall_test
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/syscall/creds_test.go:53:19: undefined: net.FileConn
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/syscall/creds_test.go:60:19: undefined: net.FileConn
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/syscall/exec_linux_test.go:712:14: f.Chmod undefined (type *os.File has no field or method Chmod)
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/syscall/syscall_unix_test.go:183:16: undefined: net.FileConn
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/syscall/syscall_unix_test.go:238:14: undefined: net.UnixConn
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/syscall/syscall_unix_test.go:242:18: undefined: net.FileConn


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

[tinygo: panic at <Go interface method>]
panic: runtime error at 0x0000000000222947: nil pointer dereference
FAIL	testing/fstest	0.007s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: unimplemented: (reflect.Type).NumIn()
FAIL	testing/quick	0.001s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: runtime.Caller failed
FAIL	testing/slogtest	0.001s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

panic: unimplemented: (reflect.Type).NumOut()
FAIL	text/template	0.001s


The compiler gave the following error when running the tests for this package:

FAIL	time	0.000s
# time_test
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/time/sleep_test.go:866:4: b.ReportMetric undefined (type *testing.B has no field or method ReportMetric)
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/time/sleep_test.go:867:4: b.ReportMetric undefined (type *testing.B has no field or method ReportMetric)
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/time/sleep_test.go:868:4: b.ReportMetric undefined (type *testing.B has no field or method ReportMetric)
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/time/sleep_test.go:939:8: b.ReportMetric undefined (type *testing.B has no field or method ReportMetric)
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/time/sleep_test.go:940:8: b.ReportMetric undefined (type *testing.B has no field or method ReportMetric)
/home/ron/.gvm/gos/go1.23/src/time/sleep_test.go:941:8: b.ReportMetric undefined (type *testing.B has no field or method ReportMetric)


The compiler gave the following error when this package was imported:

/home/ron/Development/tinygo/tinygo-122/src/runtime/scheduler_any.go:24: linker could not find symbol time.registerLoadFromEmbeddedTZData