const (
// = Pin Alt. Function SERCOM PWM Timer Interrupt
// ------ -------------------- -------- ----------- -----------
D0 = PB25 // UART1 RX 0[1] EXTI9
D1 = PB24 // UART1 TX 0[0] EXTI8
D2 = PC18 // TCC0[2] EXTI2
D3 = PC19 // TCC0[3] EXTI3
D4 = PC20 // TCC0[4] EXTI4
D5 = PC21 // TCC0[5] EXTI5
D6 = PD20 // TCC1[0] EXTI10
D7 = PD21 // TCC1[1] EXTI11
D8 = PB18 // TCC1[0] EXTI2
D9 = PB02 // TC6[0] EXTI3
D10 = PB22 // TC7[0] EXTI6
D11 = PB23 // EXTI7
D12 = PB00 // TC7[0] EXTI0
D13 = PB01 // On-board LED TC7[1] EXTI1
D14 = PB16 // UART4 TX, I2S0 SCK 5[0] TC6[0] EXTI0
D15 = PB17 // UART4 RX, I2S0 MCK 5[1] EXTI1
D16 = PC22 // UART3 TX 1[0] EXTI6
D17 = PC23 // UART3 RX 1[1] EXTI6
D18 = PB12 // UART2 TX 4[0] TCC3[0] EXTI12
D19 = PB13 // UART2 RX 4[1] TCC3[1] EXTI13
D20 = PB20 // I2C0 SDA 3[0] EXTI4
D21 = PB21 // I2C0 SCL 3[1] EXTI5
D22 = PD12 // EXTI7
D23 = PA15 // TCC2[1] EXTI15
D24 = PC17 // I2C1 SCL 6[1] TCC0[1] EXTI1
D25 = PC16 // I2C1 SDA 6[0] TCC0[0] EXTI0
D26 = PA12 // PCC DEN1 TC2[0] EXTI12
D27 = PA13 // PCC DEN2 TC2[1] EXTI13
D28 = PA14 // PCC CLK TCC2[0] EXTI14
D29 = PB19 // PCC XCLK EXTI3
D30 = PA23 // PCC D7 TC4[1] EXTI7
D31 = PA22 // PCC D6, I2S0 SDI TC4[0] EXTI6
D32 = PA21 // PCC D5, I2S0 SDO EXTI5
D33 = PA20 // PCC D4, I2S0 FS EXTI4
D34 = PA19 // PCC D3 TC3[1] EXTI3
D35 = PA18 // PCC D2 TC3[0] EXTI2
D36 = PA17 // PCC D1 EXTI1
D37 = PA16 // PCC D0 EXTI0
D38 = PB15 // PCC D9 TCC4[1] EXTI15
D39 = PB14 // PCC D8 TCC4[0] EXTI14
D40 = PC13 // PCC D11 EXTI13
D41 = PC12 // PCC D10 EXTI12
D42 = PC15 // PCC D13 EXTI15
D43 = PC14 // PCC D12 EXTI14
D44 = PC11 // EXTI11
D45 = PC10 // EXTI10
D46 = PC06 // EXTI6
D47 = PC07 // EXTI5
D48 = PC04 // EXTI4
D49 = PC05 // EXTI5
D50 = PD11 // SPI0 SDI 7[3] EXTI11
D51 = PD08 // SPI0 SDO 7[0] EXTI8
D52 = PD09 // SPI0 SCK 7[1] EXTI9
D53 = PD10 // SPI0 CS EXTI10
D54 = PB05 // ADC1 (A8) EXTI5
D55 = PB06 // ADC1 (A9) EXTI6
D56 = PB07 // ADC1 (A10) EXTI7
D57 = PB08 // ADC1 (A11) EXTI8
D58 = PB09 // ADC1 (A12) EXTI9
D59 = PA04 // ADC0 (A13) TC0[0] EXTI4
D60 = PA06 // ADC0 (A14) TC1[0] EXTI6
D61 = PA07 // ADC0 (A15) TC1[1] EXTI7
D62 = PB20 // I2C0 SDA 3[0] TCC1[2] EXTI4
D63 = PB21 // I2C0 SCL 3[1] TCC1[3] EXTI5
D64 = PD11 // SPI0 SDI 7[3] EXTI6
D65 = PD08 // SPI0 SDO 7[0] EXTI3
D66 = PD09 // SPI0 SCK 7[1] EXTI4
D67 = PA02 // ADC0 (A0), DAC0 EXTI2
D68 = PA05 // ADC0 (A1), DAC1 EXTI5
D69 = PB03 // ADC0 (A2) TC6[1] EXTI3
D70 = PC00 // ADC1 (A3) EXTI0
D71 = PC01 // ADC1 (A4) EXTI1
D72 = PC02 // ADC1 (A5) EXTI2
D73 = PC03 // ADC1 (A6) EXTI3
D74 = PB04 // ADC1 (A7) EXTI4
D75 = PC31 // UART RX LED
D76 = PC30 // UART TX LED
D77 = PA27 // USB HOST EN
D78 = PA24 // USB DM EXTI8
D79 = PA25 // USB DP EXTI9
D80 = PB29 // SD/SPI1 SDI 2[3]
D81 = PB27 // SD/SPI1 SCK 2[1]
D82 = PB26 // SD/SPI1 SDO 2[0]
D83 = PB28 // SD/SPI1 CS
D84 = PA03 // AREF EXTI3
D85 = PA02 // DAC0 EXTI2
D86 = PA05 // DAC1 EXTI5
D87 = PB01 // On-board LED (D13) TC7[1] EXTI1
D88 = PC24 // On-board NeoPixel
D89 = PB10 // QSPI SCK EXTI10
D90 = PB11 // QSPI CS EXTI11
D91 = PA08 // QSPI ID0 EXTI(NMI)
D92 = PA09 // QSPI ID1 EXTI9
D93 = PA10 // QSPI ID2 EXTI10
D94 = PA11 // QSPI ID3 EXTI11
D95 = PB31 // SD Detect EXTI15
D96 = PB30 // SWO EXTI14
Digital pins
const (
A0 = D67 // (PA02) ADC0 ch. 0,
A1 = D68 // (PA05) ADC0 ch. 5,
A2 = D69 // (PB03) ADC0 ch. 15
A3 = D70 // (PC00) ADC1 ch. 10
A4 = D71 // (PC01) ADC1 ch. 11
A5 = D72 // (PC02) ADC1 ch. 4
A6 = D73 // (PC03) ADC1 ch. 5
A7 = D74 // (PB04) ADC1 ch. 6
A8 = D54 // (PB05) ADC1 ch. 7
A9 = D55 // (PB06) ADC1 ch. 8
A10 = D56 // (PB07) ADC1 ch. 9
A11 = D57 // (PB08) ADC1 ch. 0
A12 = D58 // (PB09) ADC1 ch. 1
A13 = D59 // (PA04) ADC0 ch. 4
A14 = D60 // (PA06) ADC0 ch. 6
A15 = D61 // (PA07) ADC0 ch. 7
AREF = D84 // (PA03)
Analog pins
const (
LED_PIN = D13 // (PB01), also on D87
UART_RX_LED_PIN = D75 // (PC31)
UART_TX_LED_PIN = D76 // (PC30)
NEOPIXEL_PIN = D88 // (PC24)
// aliases used by examples and drivers
LED pins
const (
UART1_RX_PIN = D0 // (PB25)
UART1_TX_PIN = D1 // (PB24)
UART2_RX_PIN = D19 // (PB13)
UART2_TX_PIN = D18 // (PB12)
UART3_RX_PIN = D17 // (PC23)
UART3_TX_PIN = D16 // (PC22)
UART4_RX_PIN = D15 // (PB17)
UART4_TX_PIN = D14 // (PB16)
UART_RX_PIN = UART1_RX_PIN // default pins
UART pins
const (
SPI0_SCK_PIN = D66 // (PD09), also on D52
SPI0_SDO_PIN = D65 // (PD08), also on D51
SPI0_SDI_PIN = D64 // (PD11), also on D50
SPI0_CS_PIN = D53 // (PD10)
SPI1_SCK_PIN = D81 // (PB27)
SPI1_SDO_PIN = D82 // (PB26)
SPI1_SDI_PIN = D80 // (PB29)
SPI_SCK_PIN = SPI0_SCK_PIN // default pins
SPI pins
const (
I2C0_SDA_PIN = D62 // (PB20), also on D20
I2C0_SCL_PIN = D63 // (PB21), also on D21
I2C1_SDA_PIN = D25 // (PC16)
I2C1_SCL_PIN = D24 // (PC17)
I2C_SDA_PIN = I2C0_SDA_PIN // default pins
SDA_PIN = I2C_SDA_PIN // unconventional pin names
SCL_PIN = I2C_SCL_PIN // (required by machine_atsamd51.go)
I2C pins
const (
I2S0_SCK_PIN = D14 // (PB16)
I2S0_MCK_PIN = D15 // (PB17)
I2S0_FS_PIN = D33 // (PA20)
I2S0_SDO_PIN = D32 // (PA21)
I2S0_SDI_PIN = D31 // (PA22)
I2S_SCK_PIN = I2S0_SCK_PIN // default pins
I2S pins
const (
SD0_SCK_PIN = D81 // (PB27)
SD0_SDO_PIN = D82 // (PB26)
SD0_SDI_PIN = D80 // (PB29)
SD0_CS_PIN = D83 // (PB28)
SD0_DET_PIN = D95 // (PB31)
SDCARD_SCK_PIN = SD0_SCK_PIN // default pins
SD card pins
const (
USBCDC_HOSTEN_PIN = D77 // (PA27) host enable
USBCDC_DM_PIN = D78 // (PA24) D-
USBCDC_DP_PIN = D79 // (PA25) D+
USB CDC pins
const (
TWI_FREQ_100KHZ = 100000
TWI_FREQ_400KHZ = 400000
TWI_FREQ is the I2C bus speed. Normally either 100 kHz, or 400 kHz for high-speed bus.
Deprecated: use 100 * machine.KHz or 400 * machine.KHz instead.
const (
// I2CReceive indicates target has received a message from the controller.
I2CReceive I2CTargetEvent = iota
// I2CRequest indicates the controller is expecting a message from the target.
// I2CFinish indicates the controller has ended the transaction.
// I2C controllers can chain multiple receive/request messages without
// relinquishing the bus by doing 'restarts'. I2CFinish indicates the
// bus has been relinquished by an I2C 'stop'.
const (
// I2CModeController represents an I2C peripheral in controller mode.
I2CModeController I2CMode = iota
// I2CModeTarget represents an I2C peripheral in target mode.
const Device = deviceName
Device is the running program’s chip name, such as “ATSAMD51J19A” or “nrf52840”. It is not the same as the CPU name.
The constant is some hardcoded default value if the program does not target a particular chip but instead runs in WebAssembly for example.
const (
KHz = 1000
MHz = 1000_000
GHz = 1000_000_000
Generic constants.
const NoPin = Pin(0xff)
NoPin explicitly indicates “not a pin”. Use this pin if you want to leave one of the pins in a peripheral unconfigured (if supported by the hardware).
const (
PinAnalog PinMode = 1
PinSERCOM PinMode = 2
PinSERCOMAlt PinMode = 3
PinTimer PinMode = 4
PinTimerAlt PinMode = 5
PinTCCPDEC PinMode = 6
PinCom PinMode = 7
PinSDHC PinMode = 8
PinI2S PinMode = 9
PinPCC PinMode = 10
PinGMAC PinMode = 11
PinACCLK PinMode = 12
PinCCL PinMode = 13
PinDigital PinMode = 14
PinInput PinMode = 15
PinInputPullup PinMode = 16
PinOutput PinMode = 17
PinTCCE PinMode = PinTimer
PinTCCF PinMode = PinTimerAlt
PinInputPulldown PinMode = 18
PinCAN PinMode = 19
PinCAN0 PinMode = PinSDHC
PinCAN1 PinMode = PinCom
const (
PinRising PinChange = sam.EIC_CONFIG_SENSE0_RISE
PinFalling PinChange = sam.EIC_CONFIG_SENSE0_FALL
PinToggle PinChange = sam.EIC_CONFIG_SENSE0_BOTH
Pin change interrupt constants for SetInterrupt.
const (
PA00 Pin = 0
PA01 Pin = 1
PA02 Pin = 2
PA03 Pin = 3
PA04 Pin = 4
PA05 Pin = 5
PA06 Pin = 6
PA07 Pin = 7
PA08 Pin = 8 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 0, TCC1 channel 4
PA09 Pin = 9 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 1, TCC1 channel 5
PA10 Pin = 10 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 2, TCC1 channel 6
PA11 Pin = 11 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 3, TCC1 channel 7
PA12 Pin = 12 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 6, TCC1 channel 2
PA13 Pin = 13 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 7, TCC1 channel 3
PA14 Pin = 14 // peripherals: TCC2 channel 0, TCC1 channel 2
PA15 Pin = 15 // peripherals: TCC2 channel 1, TCC1 channel 3
PA16 Pin = 16 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 0, TCC0 channel 4
PA17 Pin = 17 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 1, TCC0 channel 5
PA18 Pin = 18 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 2, TCC0 channel 6
PA19 Pin = 19 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 3, TCC0 channel 7
PA20 Pin = 20 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 4, TCC0 channel 0
PA21 Pin = 21 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 5, TCC0 channel 1
PA22 Pin = 22 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 6, TCC0 channel 2
PA23 Pin = 23 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 7, TCC0 channel 3
PA24 Pin = 24 // peripherals: TCC2 channel 2
PA25 Pin = 25 // peripherals: TCC2 channel 3
PA26 Pin = 26
PA27 Pin = 27
PA28 Pin = 28
PA29 Pin = 29
PA30 Pin = 30 // peripherals: TCC2 channel 0
PA31 Pin = 31 // peripherals: TCC2 channel 1
PB00 Pin = 32
PB01 Pin = 33
PB02 Pin = 34 // peripherals: TCC2 channel 2
PB03 Pin = 35 // peripherals: TCC2 channel 3
PB04 Pin = 36
PB05 Pin = 37
PB06 Pin = 38
PB07 Pin = 39
PB08 Pin = 40
PB09 Pin = 41
PB10 Pin = 42 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 4, TCC1 channel 0
PB11 Pin = 43 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 5, TCC1 channel 1
PB12 Pin = 44 // peripherals: TCC3 channel 0, TCC0 channel 0
PB13 Pin = 45 // peripherals: TCC3 channel 1, TCC0 channel 1
PB14 Pin = 46 // peripherals: TCC4 channel 0, TCC0 channel 2
PB15 Pin = 47 // peripherals: TCC4 channel 1, TCC0 channel 3
PB16 Pin = 48 // peripherals: TCC3 channel 0, TCC0 channel 4
PB17 Pin = 49 // peripherals: TCC3 channel 1, TCC0 channel 5
PB18 Pin = 50 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 0
PB19 Pin = 51 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 1
PB20 Pin = 52 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 2
PB21 Pin = 53 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 3
PB22 Pin = 54
PB23 Pin = 55
PB24 Pin = 56
PB25 Pin = 57
PB26 Pin = 58 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 2
PB27 Pin = 59 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 3
PB28 Pin = 60 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 4
PB29 Pin = 61 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 5
PB30 Pin = 62 // peripherals: TCC4 channel 0, TCC0 channel 6
PB31 Pin = 63 // peripherals: TCC4 channel 1, TCC0 channel 7
PC00 Pin = 64
PC01 Pin = 65
PC02 Pin = 66
PC03 Pin = 67
PC04 Pin = 68 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 0
PC05 Pin = 69 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 1
PC06 Pin = 70
PC07 Pin = 71
PC08 Pin = 72
PC09 Pin = 73
PC10 Pin = 74 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 0, TCC1 channel 4
PC11 Pin = 75 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 1, TCC1 channel 5
PC12 Pin = 76 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 2, TCC1 channel 6
PC13 Pin = 77 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 3, TCC1 channel 7
PC14 Pin = 78 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 4, TCC1 channel 0
PC15 Pin = 79 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 5, TCC1 channel 1
PC16 Pin = 80 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 0
PC17 Pin = 81 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 1
PC18 Pin = 82 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 2
PC19 Pin = 83 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 3
PC20 Pin = 84 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 4
PC21 Pin = 85 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 5
PC22 Pin = 86 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 6
PC23 Pin = 87 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 7
PC24 Pin = 88
PC25 Pin = 89
PC26 Pin = 90
PC27 Pin = 91
PC28 Pin = 92
PC29 Pin = 93
PC30 Pin = 94
PC31 Pin = 95
PD00 Pin = 96
PD01 Pin = 97
PD02 Pin = 98
PD03 Pin = 99
PD04 Pin = 100
PD05 Pin = 101
PD06 Pin = 102
PD07 Pin = 103
PD08 Pin = 104 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 1
PD09 Pin = 105 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 2
PD10 Pin = 106 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 3
PD11 Pin = 107 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 4
PD12 Pin = 108 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 5
PD13 Pin = 109 // peripherals: TCC0 channel 6
PD14 Pin = 110
PD15 Pin = 111
PD16 Pin = 112
PD17 Pin = 113
PD18 Pin = 114
PD19 Pin = 115
PD20 Pin = 116 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 0
PD21 Pin = 117 // peripherals: TCC1 channel 1
PD22 Pin = 118
PD23 Pin = 119
PD24 Pin = 120
PD25 Pin = 121
PD26 Pin = 122
PD27 Pin = 123
PD28 Pin = 124
PD29 Pin = 125
PD30 Pin = 126
PD31 Pin = 127
Hardware pins
const (
// SERCOM_FREQ_REF is always reference frequency on SAMD51 regardless of CPU speed.
SERCOM_FREQ_REF = 48000000
// Default rise time in nanoseconds, based on 4.7K ohm pull up resistors
riseTimeNanoseconds = 125
// wire bus states
wireUnknownState = 0
wireIdleState = 1
wireOwnerState = 2
wireBusyState = 3
// wire commands
wireCmdNoAction = 0
wireCmdRepeatStart = 1
wireCmdRead = 2
wireCmdStop = 3
const (
The QSPI peripheral on ATSAMD51 is only available on the following pins
const (
// WatchdogMaxTimeout in milliseconds (16s)
WatchdogMaxTimeout = (16384 * 1000) / 1024 // CYC16384/1024kHz
const HSRAM_SIZE = 0x00040000
const (
Mode0 = 0
Mode1 = 1
Mode2 = 2
Mode3 = 3
SPI phase and polarity configs CPOL and CPHA
const (
// ParityNone means to not use any parity checking. This is
// the most common setting.
ParityNone UARTParity = iota
// ParityEven means to expect that the total number of 1 bits sent
// should be an even number.
// ParityOdd means to expect that the total number of 1 bits sent
// should be an odd number.
var (
UART1 = &sercomUSART0
UART2 = &sercomUSART4
UART3 = &sercomUSART1
UART4 = &sercomUSART5
DefaultUART = UART1
UART on the Grand Central M4
var (
SPI0 = sercomSPIM7
SPI1 = sercomSPIM2 // SD card
SPI on the Grand Central M4
var (
I2C0 = sercomI2CM3
I2C1 = sercomI2CM6
I2C on the Grand Central M4
var (
ErrTimeoutRNG = errors.New("machine: RNG Timeout")
ErrClockRNG = errors.New("machine: RNG Clock Error")
ErrSeedRNG = errors.New("machine: RNG Seed Error")
ErrInvalidInputPin = errors.New("machine: invalid input pin")
ErrInvalidOutputPin = errors.New("machine: invalid output pin")
ErrInvalidClockPin = errors.New("machine: invalid clock pin")
ErrInvalidDataPin = errors.New("machine: invalid data pin")
ErrNoPinChangeChannel = errors.New("machine: no channel available for pin interrupt")
var (
DAC0 = DAC{Channel: 0}
DAC1 = DAC{Channel: 1}
var Flash flashBlockDevice
var Watchdog = &watchdogImpl{}
Watchdog provides access to the hardware watchdog available in the SAMD51.
var (
TCC0 = (*TCC)(sam.TCC0)
TCC1 = (*TCC)(sam.TCC1)
TCC2 = (*TCC)(sam.TCC2)
TCC3 = (*TCC)(sam.TCC3)
TCC4 = (*TCC)(sam.TCC4)
This chip has five TCC peripherals, which have PWM as one feature.
var (
ErrPWMPeriodTooLong = errors.New("pwm: period too long")
var Serial Serialer
Serial is implemented via USB (USB-CDC).
var (
ErrTxInvalidSliceSize = errors.New("SPI write and read slices must be same size")
errSPIInvalidMachineConfig = errors.New("SPI port was not configured properly by the machine")
var (
USBDev = &USBDevice{}
USBCDC Serialer
var (
ErrUSBReadTimeout = errors.New("USB read timeout")
ErrUSBBytesRead = errors.New("USB invalid number of bytes read")
ErrUSBBytesWritten = errors.New("USB invalid number of bytes written")
func CPUFrequency
func CPUFrequency() uint32
func CPUReset
func CPUReset()
CPUReset performs a hard system reset.
func ConfigureUSBEndpoint
func ConfigureUSBEndpoint(desc descriptor.Descriptor, epSettings []usb.EndpointConfig, setup []usb.SetupConfig)
func DeviceID
func DeviceID() []byte
DeviceID returns an identifier that is unique within a particular chipset.
The identity is one burnt into the MCU itself, or the flash chip at time of manufacture.
It’s possible that two different vendors may allocate the same DeviceID, so callers should take this into account if needing to generate a globally unique id.
The length of the hardware ID is vendor-specific, but 8 bytes (64 bits) and 16 bytes (128 bits) are common.
func EnableCDC
func EnableCDC(txHandler func(), rxHandler func([]byte), setupHandler func(usb.Setup) bool)
func EnterBootloader
func EnterBootloader()
EnterBootloader should perform a system reset in preparation to switch to the bootloader to flash new firmware.
func FlashDataEnd
func FlashDataEnd() uintptr
Return the end of the writable flash area. Usually this is the address one past the end of the on-chip flash.
func FlashDataStart
func FlashDataStart() uintptr
Return the start of the writable flash area, aligned on a page boundary. This is usually just after the program and static data.
func GetRNG
func GetRNG() (uint32, error)
GetRNG returns 32 bits of cryptographically secure random data
func InitADC
func InitADC()
InitADC initializes the ADC.
func InitSerial
func InitSerial()
func NewRingBuffer
func NewRingBuffer() *RingBuffer
NewRingBuffer returns a new ring buffer.
func ReceiveUSBControlPacket
func ReceiveUSBControlPacket() ([cdcLineInfoSize]byte, error)
func SendUSBInPacket
func SendUSBInPacket(ep uint32, data []byte) bool
SendUSBInPacket sends a packet for USB (interrupt in / bulk in).
func SendZlp
func SendZlp()
type ADC
type ADC struct {
Pin Pin
func (ADC) Configure
func (a ADC) Configure(config ADCConfig)
Configure configures a ADCPin to be able to be used to read data.
func (ADC) Get
func (a ADC) Get() uint16
Get returns the current value of a ADC pin, in the range 0..0xffff.
type ADCConfig
type ADCConfig struct {
Reference uint32 // analog reference voltage (AREF) in millivolts
Resolution uint32 // number of bits for a single conversion (e.g., 8, 10, 12)
Samples uint32 // number of samples for a single conversion (e.g., 4, 8, 16, 32)
SampleTime uint32 // sample time, in microseconds (µs)
ADCConfig holds ADC configuration parameters. If left unspecified, the zero value of each parameter will use the peripheral’s default settings.
type BlockDevice
type BlockDevice interface {
// ReadAt reads the given number of bytes from the block device.
// WriteAt writes the given number of bytes to the block device.
// Size returns the number of bytes in this block device.
Size() int64
// WriteBlockSize returns the block size in which data can be written to
// memory. It can be used by a client to optimize writes, non-aligned writes
// should always work correctly.
WriteBlockSize() int64
// EraseBlockSize returns the smallest erasable area on this particular chip
// in bytes. This is used for the block size in EraseBlocks.
// It must be a power of two, and may be as small as 1. A typical size is 4096.
EraseBlockSize() int64
// EraseBlocks erases the given number of blocks. An implementation may
// transparently coalesce ranges of blocks into larger bundles if the chip
// supports this. The start and len parameters are in block numbers, use
// EraseBlockSize to map addresses to blocks.
EraseBlocks(start, len int64) error
BlockDevice is the raw device that is meant to store flash data.
type DAC
type DAC struct {
Channel uint8
DAC on the SAMD51.
func (DAC) Configure
func (dac DAC) Configure(config DACConfig)
Configure the DAC. output pin must already be configured.
func (DAC) Set
func (dac DAC) Set(value uint16) error
Set writes a single 16-bit value to the DAC. Since the ATSAMD51 only has a 12-bit DAC, the passed-in value will be scaled down.
type DACConfig
type DACConfig struct {
DACConfig placeholder for future expansion.
type I2C
type I2C struct {
Bus *sam.SERCOM_I2CM_Type
SERCOM uint8
I2C on the SAMD51.
func (*I2C) Configure
func (i2c *I2C) Configure(config I2CConfig) error
Configure is intended to setup the I2C interface.
func (*I2C) ReadRegister
func (i2c *I2C) ReadRegister(address uint8, register uint8, data []byte) error
ReadRegister transmits the register, restarts the connection as a read operation, and reads the response.
Many I2C-compatible devices are organized in terms of registers. This method is a shortcut to easily read such registers. Also, it only works for devices with 7-bit addresses, which is the vast majority.
func (*I2C) SetBaudRate
func (i2c *I2C) SetBaudRate(br uint32) error
SetBaudRate sets the communication speed for I2C.
func (*I2C) Tx
func (i2c *I2C) Tx(addr uint16, w, r []byte) error
Tx does a single I2C transaction at the specified address. It clocks out the given address, writes the bytes in w, reads back len(r) bytes and stores them in r, and generates a stop condition on the bus.
func (*I2C) WriteByte
func (i2c *I2C) WriteByte(data byte) error
WriteByte writes a single byte to the I2C bus.
func (*I2C) WriteRegister
func (i2c *I2C) WriteRegister(address uint8, register uint8, data []byte) error
WriteRegister transmits first the register and then the data to the peripheral device.
Many I2C-compatible devices are organized in terms of registers. This method is a shortcut to easily write to such registers. Also, it only works for devices with 7-bit addresses, which is the vast majority.
type I2CConfig
type I2CConfig struct {
Frequency uint32
I2CConfig is used to store config info for I2C.
type I2CMode
type I2CMode int
I2CMode determines if an I2C peripheral is in Controller or Target mode.
type I2CTargetEvent
type I2CTargetEvent uint8
I2CTargetEvent reflects events on the I2C bus
type NullSerial
type NullSerial struct {
NullSerial is a serial version of /dev/null (or null router): it drops everything that is written to it.
func (NullSerial) Buffered
func (ns NullSerial) Buffered() int
Buffered returns how many bytes are buffered in the UART. It always returns 0 as there are no bytes to read.
func (NullSerial) Configure
func (ns NullSerial) Configure(config UARTConfig) error
Configure does nothing: the null serial has no configuration.
func (NullSerial) ReadByte
func (ns NullSerial) ReadByte() (byte, error)
ReadByte always returns an error because there aren’t any bytes to read.
func (NullSerial) Write
func (ns NullSerial) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)
Write is a no-op: none of the data is being written and it will not return an error.
func (NullSerial) WriteByte
func (ns NullSerial) WriteByte(b byte) error
WriteByte is a no-op: the null serial doesn’t write bytes.
type PDMConfig
type PDMConfig struct {
Stereo bool
type PWMConfig
type PWMConfig struct {
// PWM period in nanosecond. Leaving this zero will pick a reasonable period
// value for use with LEDs.
// If you want to configure a frequency instead of a period, you can use the
// following formula to calculate a period from a frequency:
// period = 1e9 / frequency
Period uint64
PWMConfig allows setting some configuration while configuring a PWM peripheral. A zero PWMConfig is ready to use for simple applications such as dimming LEDs.
type Pin
type Pin uint8
Pin is a single pin on a chip, which may be connected to other hardware devices. It can either be used directly as GPIO pin or it can be used in other peripherals like ADC, I2C, etc.
func (Pin) Configure
func (p Pin) Configure(config PinConfig)
Configure this pin with the given configuration.
func (Pin) Get
func (p Pin) Get() bool
Get returns the current value of a GPIO pin when configured as an input or as an output.
func (Pin) High
func (p Pin) High()
High sets this GPIO pin to high, assuming it has been configured as an output pin. It is hardware dependent (and often undefined) what happens if you set a pin to high that is not configured as an output pin.
func (Pin) Low
func (p Pin) Low()
Low sets this GPIO pin to low, assuming it has been configured as an output pin. It is hardware dependent (and often undefined) what happens if you set a pin to low that is not configured as an output pin.
func (Pin) PortMaskClear
func (p Pin) PortMaskClear() (*uint32, uint32)
Return the register and mask to disable a given port. This can be used to implement bit-banged drivers.
func (Pin) PortMaskSet
func (p Pin) PortMaskSet() (*uint32, uint32)
Return the register and mask to enable a given GPIO pin. This can be used to implement bit-banged drivers.
func (Pin) Set
func (p Pin) Set(high bool)
Set the pin to high or low. Warning: only use this on an output pin!
func (Pin) SetInterrupt
func (p Pin) SetInterrupt(change PinChange, callback func(Pin)) error
SetInterrupt sets an interrupt to be executed when a particular pin changes state. The pin should already be configured as an input, including a pull up or down if no external pull is provided.
This call will replace a previously set callback on this pin. You can pass a nil func to unset the pin change interrupt. If you do so, the change parameter is ignored and can be set to any value (such as 0).
func (Pin) Toggle
func (p Pin) Toggle()
Toggle switches an output pin from low to high or from high to low. Warning: only use this on an output pin!
type PinChange
type PinChange uint8
type PinConfig
type PinConfig struct {
Mode PinMode
type PinMode
type PinMode uint8
PinMode sets the direction and pull mode of the pin. For example, PinOutput sets the pin as an output and PinInputPullup sets the pin as an input with a pull-up.
type RingBuffer
type RingBuffer struct {
rxbuffer [bufferSize]volatile.Register8
head volatile.Register8
tail volatile.Register8
RingBuffer is ring buffer implementation inspired by post at
func (*RingBuffer) Clear
func (rb *RingBuffer) Clear()
Clear resets the head and tail pointer to zero.
func (*RingBuffer) Get
func (rb *RingBuffer) Get() (byte, bool)
Get returns a byte from the buffer. If the buffer is empty, the method will return a false as the second value.
func (*RingBuffer) Put
func (rb *RingBuffer) Put(val byte) bool
Put stores a byte in the buffer. If the buffer is already full, the method will return false.
func (*RingBuffer) Used
func (rb *RingBuffer) Used() uint8
Used returns how many bytes in buffer have been used.
type SPI
type SPI struct {
Bus *sam.SERCOM_SPIM_Type
SERCOM uint8
func (*SPI) Configure
func (spi *SPI) Configure(config SPIConfig) error
Configure is intended to setup the SPI interface.
func (*SPI) Transfer
func (spi *SPI) Transfer(w byte) (byte, error)
Transfer writes/reads a single byte using the SPI interface.
func (*SPI) Tx
func (spi *SPI) Tx(w, r []byte) error
Tx handles read/write operation for SPI interface. Since SPI is a synchronous write/read interface, there must always be the same number of bytes written as bytes read. The Tx method knows about this, and offers a few different ways of calling it.
This form sends the bytes in tx buffer, putting the resulting bytes read into the rx buffer. Note that the tx and rx buffers must be the same size:
spi.Tx(tx, rx)
This form sends the tx buffer, ignoring the result. Useful for sending “commands” that return zeros until all the bytes in the command packet have been received:
spi.Tx(tx, nil)
This form sends zeros, putting the result into the rx buffer. Good for reading a “result packet”:
spi.Tx(nil, rx)
type SPIConfig
type SPIConfig struct {
Frequency uint32
LSBFirst bool
Mode uint8
SPIConfig is used to store config info for SPI.
type Serialer
type Serialer interface {
WriteByte(c byte) error
Write(data []byte) (n int, err error)
Configure(config UARTConfig) error
Buffered() int
ReadByte() (byte, error)
DTR() bool
RTS() bool
type TCC
type TCC sam.TCC_Type
TCC is one timer peripheral, which consists of a counter and multiple output channels (that can be connected to actual pins). You can set the frequency using SetPeriod, but only for all the channels in this timer peripheral at once.
func (*TCC) Channel
func (tcc *TCC) Channel(pin Pin) (uint8, error)
Channel returns a PWM channel for the given pin. Note that one channel may be shared between multiple pins, and so will have the same duty cycle. If this is not desirable, look for a different TCC or consider using a different pin.
func (*TCC) Configure
func (tcc *TCC) Configure(config PWMConfig) error
Configure enables and configures this TCC.
func (*TCC) Counter
func (tcc *TCC) Counter() uint32
Counter returns the current counter value of the timer in this TCC peripheral. It may be useful for debugging.
func (*TCC) Set
func (tcc *TCC) Set(channel uint8, value uint32)
Set updates the channel value. This is used to control the channel duty cycle, in other words the fraction of time the channel output is high (or low when inverted). For example, to set it to a 25% duty cycle, use:
tcc.Set(channel, tcc.Top() / 4)
tcc.Set(channel, 0) will set the output to low and tcc.Set(channel, tcc.Top()) will set the output to high, assuming the output isn’t inverted.
func (*TCC) SetInverting
func (tcc *TCC) SetInverting(channel uint8, inverting bool)
SetInverting sets whether to invert the output of this channel. Without inverting, a 25% duty cycle would mean the output is high for 25% of the time and low for the rest. Inverting flips the output as if a NOT gate was placed at the output, meaning that the output would be 25% low and 75% high with a duty cycle of 25%.
func (*TCC) SetPeriod
func (tcc *TCC) SetPeriod(period uint64) error
SetPeriod updates the period of this TCC peripheral. To set a particular frequency, use the following formula:
period = 1e9 / frequency
If you use a period of 0, a period that works well for LEDs will be picked.
SetPeriod will not change the prescaler, but also won’t change the current value in any of the channels. This means that you may need to update the value for the particular channel.
Note that you cannot pick any arbitrary period after the TCC peripheral has been configured. If you want to switch between frequencies, pick the lowest frequency (longest period) once when calling Configure and adjust the frequency here as needed.
func (*TCC) Top
func (tcc *TCC) Top() uint32
Top returns the current counter top, for use in duty cycle calculation. It will only change with a call to Configure or SetPeriod, otherwise it is constant.
The value returned here is hardware dependent. In general, it’s best to treat it as an opaque value that can be divided by some number and passed to tcc.Set (see tcc.Set for more information).
type UART
type UART struct {
Buffer *RingBuffer
SERCOM uint8
Interrupt interrupt.Interrupt // RXC interrupt
UART on the SAMD51.
func (*UART) Buffered
func (uart *UART) Buffered() int
Buffered returns the number of bytes currently stored in the RX buffer.
func (*UART) Configure
func (uart *UART) Configure(config UARTConfig) error
Configure the UART.
func (*UART) Read
func (uart *UART) Read(data []byte) (n int, err error)
Read from the RX buffer.
func (*UART) ReadByte
func (uart *UART) ReadByte() (byte, error)
ReadByte reads a single byte from the RX buffer. If there is no data in the buffer, returns an error.
func (*UART) Receive
func (uart *UART) Receive(data byte)
Receive handles adding data to the UART’s data buffer. Usually called by the IRQ handler for a machine.
func (*UART) SetBaudRate
func (uart *UART) SetBaudRate(br uint32)
SetBaudRate sets the communication speed for the UART.
func (*UART) Write
func (uart *UART) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error)
Write data over the UART’s Tx. This function blocks until the data is finished being sent.
func (*UART) WriteByte
func (uart *UART) WriteByte(c byte) error
WriteByte writes a byte of data over the UART’s Tx. This function blocks until the data is finished being sent.
type UARTConfig
type UARTConfig struct {
BaudRate uint32
TX Pin
RX Pin
UARTConfig is a struct with which a UART (or similar object) can be configured. The baud rate is usually respected, but TX and RX may be ignored depending on the chip and the type of object.
type UARTParity
type UARTParity uint8
UARTParity is the parity setting to be used for UART communication.
type USBDevice
type USBDevice struct {
initcomplete bool
InitEndpointComplete bool
func (*USBDevice) Configure
func (dev *USBDevice) Configure(config UARTConfig)
Configure the USB peripheral. The config is here for compatibility with the UART interface.
type WatchdogConfig
type WatchdogConfig struct {
// The timeout (in milliseconds) before the watchdog fires.
// If the requested timeout exceeds `MaxTimeout` it will be rounded
// down.
TimeoutMillis uint32
WatchdogConfig holds configuration for the watchdog timer.