PJRC Teensy 3.6

The PJRC Teensy 3.6 is a small ARM development board based on the NXP MK66FX1M0VMD18 32-bit 180 MHz ARM Cortex-M4.


Interface Hardware Supported TinyGo Support
SPI YES Not yet
I2C YES Not yet
PWM YES Not yet
USBDevice YES Not yet


Pin Hardware pin Alternative names
D00 PB16
D01 PB17
D02 PD00
D03 PA12
D04 PA13
D05 PD07
D06 PD04
D07 PD02
D08 PD03
D09 PC03
D10 PC04
D11 PC06
D12 PC07
D13 PC05 LED
D14 PD01
D15 PC00
D16 PB00
D17 PB01
D18 PB03
D19 PB02
D20 PD05
D21 PD06
D22 PC01
D23 PC02
D24 PE26
D25 PA05
D26 PA14
D27 PA15
D28 PA16
D29 PB18
D30 PB19
D31 PB10
D32 PB11
D33 PE24
D34 PE25
D35 PC08
D36 PC09
D37 PC10
D38 PC11
D39 PA17
D40 PA28
D41 PA29
D42 PA26
D43 PB20
D44 PB22
D45 PB23
D46 PB21
D47 PD08
D48 PD09
D49 PB04
D50 PB05
D51 PD14
D52 PD13
D53 PD12
D54 PD15
D55 PD11
D56 PE10
D57 PE11
D58 PE00
D59 PE01
D60 PE02
D61 PE03
D62 PE04
D63 PE05

Machine Package Docs

Documentation for the machine package for the Teensy 3.6



In order to flash your TinyGo programs onto the Teensy 3.6 board, you will need to install the teensy_loader_cli (https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/teensy_loader_cli) on your machine.

CLI Flashing

  • Plug your Teensy 3.6 into your computer’s USB port.

  • Flash your TinyGo program to the board using this command:

    tinygo flash -target=teensy36 [PATH TO YOUR PROGRAM]
  • The Teensy 3.6 board should restart and then begin running your program.


If you have troubles getting your Teensy 3.6 board to receive code, try this:

  • Press the “RESET” button on the board two times to get the Teensy 3.6 board ready to receive code.

  • The Teensy 3.6 board will appear to your computer like a USB drive.

  • Now try running the command as above:

    tinygo flash -target=teensy36 [PATH TO YOUR PROGRAM]

Once you have updated your Teensy 3.6 board the first time, after that you should be able to flash it entirely from the command line.


You cannot yet use the USB port to the Teensy 3.6 as a USB CDC serial port.